Multiverse Etiquette

Because there are so many strangers coming from so many different backgrounds in the Multiverse, it is natural that a character’s freedom of action in this setting will be less than in their own world. Breaches of etiquette will be dealt with in the usual way: first come the polite requests, and then medieval tortures.


  1. There is no fighting in the Wellspring Inn! Some kind of automatic system instantly ejects anyone who starts a fight into the Forest, before their action even takes effect.
  2. Limit magic and other supernatural abilities to parlor-scale tricks within the main room.
  3. Among friends it is acceptable to play a wide variety of characters, some which may be contentious to the general public. While there is nothing stopping anyone from bringing such a character, discretion is advised. This is an example of a lack of discretion: “Soandso walks in wearing a swastika armband.”
  4. Players are considered as responsible for the actions of their character, regardless of any extenuating circumstances that might exonerate them in-universe. Like being mind-controlled, having an obnoxious passive ability, being written as a irredeemable person who is no fun to be around, evil twins, and so on.

Basic RP Etiquette

For the pleasure of new players, a brief note on basic RP etiquette that is common across communities.


  1. Prefix simple out-of-character statements with (( or a similar mark. If the out-of-character exchange needs to be drawn out over multiple lines, take it to a private conversation or an OOC channel.
  2. When using an emote command (/me) a character is only allowed to describe his or her own actions. Using an emote to convey thoughts is poor form, since it doesn’t allow other characters a chance to respond in character.
  3. When issuing actions another character might want to contest, those actions should be described in such a way as to allow the other character to negate them if desired. In the case of punching a character, you would say you are throwing a punch, not that you punched them. In the former situation your target may choose to take the punch, or he may dodge out of the way. In the latter you have decided the outcome for them, which is not in the spirit of mutual cooperation.
  4. Do not pull in external information that your character would not know. For example, looking up a character’s sheet and claiming to have read their mind. If your character has ways of knowing things that are supernatural, you should talk to the owners of said information privately and ask them to play along.
  5. All of the above can be boiled down to: always give the other party a chance to respond and guide events. Roleplay is something you do with others, not to them.

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